November 20, 2008

Look what I got today.

You meet such nice people when you blog. Valerie sent me the winter issue of Marie Claire Idees. It doesn't arrive here in the U.S. until mid December if you are lucky to find it. Thank you so much Valerie for sending this from France. She also enclosed a very charming little calendar.
There are so many pages of eye candy in it. I would really love to attempt the cute advent calendar in the beginning pages.
I'm off now to plot some projects!!


  1. i must get a new camera! i love show and tell!
    enjoy the new shiny pages...and the lovely photos!

  2. Elizabeth - that's so exciting!!! I'll be waiting until the end of December to get mine... just in time for Christmas, I hope :o) I always go a little later than expected, because it's so disappointing to go and have it not be there. Have a great Friday!

  3. I love "Marie Claire", especially this time of year. Enjoy!

  4. are there crafts in there? are you going to make anything from it?

  5. Ooh, lovely. I've just taken out a year's subscription but then they got in touch to say they couldn't get hold of the winter issue. I might just scream.

  6. I tagged you, go to my blog to know what to do!

  7. I have loved and read Idees for a few years now. You are right that it's hard to find. It always sells out immediately. Someday I'm gonna splurge & subscribe-I hate to miss an issue. Nerm

  8. I've always wanted to take a peek at this magazine.
    I'm so intrigued by it.
