Tomorrow is my mom's birthday, so this is a perfect time to show you these cool pictures of her. I believe these were taken when they were visiting my grandparents in Santa Monica on their honeymoon.

I love these pictures of her, she was probably only 20 or 21.

This photo is back in Panama, when she was pregnant with my brother. When she got married she weighed about 85 lbs. She always told me she loved this picture, because she finally had a little weight on her. She still looks pretty darn slim! I wish I looked like that when I was pregnant.

I can't remember when they came back to the States for good, but this might be around the time they did. This is at my grandparents house. Don't you love how color coordinated she is with the stroller?! I also just love her outfit, with her cool sunglasses. Very styling mom!!
Happy birthday!!!
I like the second photo of your mom, sitting on the park bench. It looks like its from a Vogue fashion shoot.
ReplyDeletethey were so stylish back then even while pushing a stroller. the photos are wonderful and i like the second one on the bench, too. happy birthday elizabeth's mom and enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteI love the second photo too!...frame it, so artistic! Would make a beautiful painting :)
ReplyDeletewow! what a stylish mom and yeah you can hardly even tell she is pregnant in that one.
ReplyDeletethe matching pants and stroller is so cool.
Although the second photo, with her high heels and pigeons pecking about, seems like a throw back to more peaceful times, I s the picture with the stroller that caught my imagination. The second photo does look like a Vogue photo shoot, as one of yor commenters noted, but it doesn't tell me as much about your mom. I wonder what it must have been like being her - slipping on such a dainty watch on her delicate wrist, or walking about in the those perfectly white flip flops. Who knows what she thought about as she put on those pants - perhaps she and your dad laughed about how she matched the stroller. That photo takes me there, perhaps it even reminds me of my own mother. I can almost feel the dry heat of the sun at the moment the photo was taken.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could travel into a photograph to ask questions.