September 28, 2012

I Know It Is Friday, But.....

 Hello, sorry I slipped away and didn't come back until a week later, when it is that time again to do another retro Friday post. I decided to skip it this week because I really don't want my blog to just be Retro Friday posts.
  Anyway, we have this giant lawn in our front yard, that is fenced in, and a safe haven for all sorts of little woodland animals. If you click on these photos, you will see all the Robins that start showing up on our lawn.
 There were actually fourteen of them, until I tried to sneak a photo. I stood out there long enough to have them fly back, to look for their little treats.
The small maple tree in the very top photo, is my beacon for all the seasons, and as you can see it is all golden and starting to look very fall in color. Unfortunately for this fall lover, we are about to get some very HOT weather in the coming days! Triple digits! I have already been pushing the envelope as it is with making stews and baking scones. Now, I sadly have to wait a bit longer to get cozy.

I know I have talked about the fact that I noticed that more and more of my favorite blogs, as well as my own, are slowing down in posts, and some have altogether disappeared.  I keep trying to figure out why this is? I think for the most part, we all have a short attention span, and most are moving on to other formats, such as: Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.  I really don't want to abandon my blog, because I originally started it to chronicle my life and things that I have done through out the year. It saddens me to see many bloggers just leave, with no explanation. I really appreciate the ones who at least sign off and give a reason.  I will not be one of those who will just slip away. If I'm quite on here, it is most likely that I'm working on my Etsy shop, and enjoying life.
I just wanted to clarify this, so that if you are a reader, and have noticed that I have not posted in a while, don't worry I'm not leaving.

I had hoped to get Caitlin's dress farther along by this time, but so far I was only able to just cut it out. I will be starting construction today though, but I 'm not too sure when it will be finished, since the heat is coming, and the room I work in has a bad way of staying on the warm side.
As usual, I have one hundred million ideas, but for some reason the day keeps slipping away with not too much to show for it. Hopefully I will be able to execute some of the fun ideas that I have floating in my head!

Sorry if you expected a Retro Friday post. Next week there will be one, I promise. I just wanted to bring up the topic of posts and lack there of.

Hope everyone has a very happy weekend.


  1. you have the most lovely yard ... i would fly there, too.

    as for blogs, my posting has become sporadic because i don't take many photos without my iphone these days - ugh. i don't like to post photos from instagram to our blog, so i don't have much new content. also, this year has been kind of tough for us and i don't want to be a blogging complainer.

    i do notice bloggers who just disappear and i don't think i would do that without a formal sign-off.
    although i do like posting and the interaction from readers, i'm not sure if our current blog suits me anymore, but also not sure what to do instead.

    i enjoy your posts and don't think people should apologize for not keeping things to a regular schedule, including you. personal blogs are just that, personal. hope you enjoy your weekend!

  2. Your maple tree is lovely!

    We have two seasons: hot and a bit less hot! No maple trees for us! *LOL*

    I just discovered your blog about two weeks ago and am enjoying it very much. I don't blog - love to write, but not about myself! - but I would think that living life should have priority over cyberspace. It's great when you can update us or let us follow along with a project. :)

    Enjoy your life and share it with us when you can.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  3. Hey there girlfriend!
    How have you been? That yard is HUGE! You could grow enough vegetables in there to have a stall at the farmer's market. You are really fortunate to have such a large private space. I find it unbelievable, though, that your weather is seeing triple digits. We are in the best of fall weather, here, in the middle of nowhere. Crisp mornings, perfect for hikes down by the lake, warm afternoons that I haven't been privy to as I have been spending time in the studio, and those awesome evenings with gorgeous sunsets. We still have yet to start any of the chimneys, though. We have an enormous pile of massive logs in the yard just waiting for us to muster up the energy to split. We both look at it and say " tomorrow, yes, maybe tomorrow".
    As far as blogs going by the wayside - I have really needed the break I am on. I do miss putting my stuff out there, though, and getting feedback. I am tempted to get right back to it, but I am pushing myself to continue with the time frame I set for myself in hopes of clarifying my direction. I think that your blog needs to be one of two things- either it is a marketing tool for your product, or it is a sneak peek at the real life person behind the product. Either way is good. The question, for people like myself, is what if there is no product? Then what are we communicating about and who is your reader. I have struggled with this issue big time. I also have come to the point where I hate, and I mean HATE the name of my blog, specifically the word "muse". I knowing I am blabbing on and on, here. I have no concrete answers or discoveries yet. All I can say, Elizabeth,is blogging gave me a connection to wonderful people like you and it is beyond frustrating not to communicate in real life, face to face.
    No good answers today.

  4. I know I slow down in the summer...but I'm sure I'l start doing some more frequent posts by the time the snow flies...and cabin fever forces me to be creative! I'll admit I am loving instagram, not in a obsessed way, but just another creative outlet. Some bloggers have really gone overboard with it...
    I will post soon because I want you to see the amazing colours that mother nature is producing this fall!

  5. @Carolina, thanks for the feedback. I have thought a lot about where the blog is going lately, and I think that is why I'm not posting as much. I feel that I am over thinking it. I would like my blog to be a peek at who I am and continue in that direction. It started out as a personal scrap book of sorts and I think I still would like to keep it that way, because I really love going back and seeing what I did each year.
    I talked to Nicole a while back, and she mentioned that she and another blogger have talked about how they have almost been taken advantage of and not sure where to go from there.
    There is a blog that I follow called "Dear Friend' It is Rebekka Seale's blog, and I think she balances her blog real well between her life and product. Hers and Alicia's from Posie Gets Cozy are good inspirations I think.
    We always have so much to say to one another don't we :) I feel like we should head over to more of a message at FB to finish this convo.:)

    @Leanne, I can't wait to see your fall colors, I never get tired of seeing mother nature in all her glory!
    Do you have a link to your instagram?

    @Cindy. I miss your postings, but I know how it is too with the phone pictures vs the big guns with the better camera. You know, the iphone pictures are just as good though sometimes. You can create such wonderful images now with them.

  6. Elizabeth, I love the light and long shadows's interplay in your beautiful pictures!

    It saddens me when blogger disappear without so much as a word of explanation. I always hope they just grew tired of blogging and are fine otherwise.

    In my own experience, the only way to keep blogging is doing it regularly. The day I decide to skip a few days, it will be the end of it, I am sure.

  7. Elizabeth, I love the light and long shadows's interplay in your beautiful pictures!

    It saddens me when blogger disappear without so much as a word of explanation. I always hope they just grew tired of blogging and are fine otherwise.

    In my own experience, the only way to keep blogging is doing it regularly. The day I decide to skip a few days, it will be the end of it, I am sure.

  8. i just ran across your blog and it is lovely :) i hear you about bloggers leaving, it's always so sad, like you're losing a friend! i slowed down for awhile but i just needed time away and eventually came back with a better sense of balance. blogging is an interesting world!
