October 10, 2012

Show and Tell Birthday goodies

 Wow, that is a big number isn't it?!  When I looked through the mail on my birthday, there was a membership sign up for AARP, boy they have that down to a science don't they? This could have easily derailed the rest of the day, had it not been for my sweet family members showering me with gifts and spending the whole day with me on a mini clothes shopping spree! So not only did I get the goodies pictured here on this post, I also got spoiled rotten with a nice brunch and most of the day shopping for little old me.
 Caitlin and Cyrous got me this beautiful Mason Cash batter bowl, along with a cute tea towel and pot holder.
 Nicole and Pierre sent me this ,via an Etsy seller. Thanks Nicole for getting me hooked on this ladies Etsy shop! Can you believe all those circles on this fabric, along with the scalloped edge, is hand embroidered?! I have to find something very special to make with this.

My dad and stepmom gave me this beautiful book on choosing color for embroidery projects. Love it!
 They also gave me this size 5 dress form. This will be so helpful.
 My lovely blog friend Valerie, sent me all these lovely gifts all the way from France. I love how she sent a little taste of where she lives, especially the little Quimper bowl.
 I think my family thought I was left out of the "tablet" loop, since they each have one, and I was the odd man out. Hello iPad, I love you, and can't wait to play with you :) My sister gave me a really cute cover for it and a special little pen. Thanks sis.
Last but certainly not least is a beautiful hand painted card made by Caitlin. Cute right?!

I couldn't have asked for a happier 50th birthday! I had so much fun, and the weather finally broke out with all its fall colors and temperatures that day. Topped off with my wonderful dinner at Chez Pannise, I would say this was a very sweet day, and one to cherish.  Thanks everyone on Facebook for my birthday wishes as well.


  1. What wonderful gifts...and an ipad!!! So happy you had a great day.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! Oh, looks like you've had so much fun. Wow, 50 -- you look 35! No, really, you look great.

    I LOVE my iPad. I didn't think I would b/c while my smart phone is useful I don't LOVE it. Have fun! :) xo

  3. Happy Birthday!

    What amazing and thoughtful gifts...you have a great family who knows you really well!

    And as far as your age goes...I reckon you just hit the halfway mark!! :)


  4. Happy Birthday Elizabeth. Amazing gifts!. I love the hand embroidered fabric and dress form. And, of course the iPad. I love mine.
    I think they use Mason Cash bowls on Downton Abbey. I know I have a few on my wish list. They are gorgeous.

    Hope you have a wonderful year.

  5. Happy Belated!

    Such heartfelt gifts. You are loved, that's for sure!

    My love to you on this memorable birthday!


  6. Happy Birthday to you!
    Looks like you had a great one.

    AARP how funny. They were on it weren't they?

    My big 50 comes this November.
    Oh boy.

    M :)

  7. first of all you look really pretty and happy 50th to you! your family always gives you the most thoughtful gifts and have fun with your ipad! flipboard is a great app for blog reading.
