April 29, 2015

How Things Change in an Instant

Well, just when you think you are sailing along just fine you get blind sided by not so great news. My husband went on a business trip yesterday and as he was leaving I had this feeling that I was going to get some bad news in the mail, I couldn't shake the feeling for some reason. Then in the afternoon I hear the door bell. It's the postman with a registered letter, and I'm thinking that this can't be good. It wasn't. Our landlord does not want to continue renting to us. She has given us until July 1st.
I'm making a few assumptions on her part, but most likely her decision was spurred by her daughter who lives in the cottage out back.
I have many adjectives for this person, but kind, respectful and grateful are not among them. I'm sitting here this morning still in shock that we now have to look for another place to live in an already tight market. When this happens of course, you go on the dreaded Craig's list and there is nothing or garbage for too much money. I keep trying to tell myself that something will turn up eventually, but I have a feeling that our next move will have to have some compromises and possibly not really where we would want to be. Things always happen for a reason, and I'm sure this is a blessing in disguise. Right now though, it just feels awful. On the up side, I will not have to deal with the human out back anymore, which is a good incentive to not feel so bad.  I'm not going to lie though, I'm terrified, sad and angry all balled into one. Of course poor David is not in town and had to hear the news from me over the phone.  
So, things are about to get crazy yet again and please send positive thoughts and prayers that we find a nice place to live.


  1. So sorry to hear this Elizabeth! We are moving too. I haven't announced it to the world just yet but will soon. I am a bundle of nerves even though we've already purchased another home (condo/townhouse) to downsize in. It will be our seventh move in our marriage. All the others were "complements" of the Veterans Administration Medical Service as they were career moves. It still isn't easy under the best of circumstances. I am busy getting this house ready to put on the market. Oh the detritus we've accumulated!! I hope you can find a satisfactory place soon so that you can just focus on the joy of the upcoming wedding. I'm certainly sending you positive thoughts!!


    1. Thanks Bonnie. No, I imagine that it isn't any easier to downsize and go through things, as this is what we most likely will have to do as well. Here in the Bay Area it is a rental nightmare and I thought we had a reprieve from it for at least a couple more years. This landlady is really something else. We have been quite, good tenants, paid on time etc. Doesn't mean a thing to her, because her daughter decided she doesn't like us and can't party out in the back like she wants to. So now we are thrown into the rental nightmare once again!

  2. I can feel your pain and disappointment. I can also tell that you lean towards seeing the glass half full, once you deal with the discomfort at hand. So, I'm sending positive thoughts your way. A year from now you'll look back strengthened that you made it through the challenge. In the meantime, meet a friend for lunch and order something yummy.

    1. I think if you lived in the Bay Area, you would feel the same as I do hahaha. Hard not to think this way when the housing situation is what it is here :( Yes, I'm sure I will be thinking about this a year from now and it won't be all bad. Although last year when we moved in I felt like it wasn't a good situation and I was right unfortunately. Thanks for your kind words though, they help :)

  3. Oh how terrible! I know this daughter has been a thorn in your side; I'm sorry that your landlord has acquiesced to her wants. Praying for you to find a lovely new home.

    1. So far it is an assumption that she is doing this for her daughter. I'm waiting for David to get home tonight, and tomorrow he is going to call her and open up a dialogue with her to get to the root of why she decided not to renew our lease. I guess it's worth a shot, even though I'm sure it might all fall on deaf ears. If she changes her mind, then we will not have to add the expense of moving on top of planning Caitlin's wedding :( If she doesn't change her mind, then I suppose this is the path that we have to be on.

  4. I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. Things do happen for a reason, and I know you were not happy at all with human out back. I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way that you and your husband find the right house to rent, and hopefully you don't have to move again any time soon!

    1. Thanks Julia, trying to stay positive and hopeful hahah
