June 7, 2013

Fun Things In the Mail

 Love fun surprises in the mail don't you? Last weekend, I got these two darling patterns in the mail from the Swedish friend that visited us, that I blogged about not too long ago. She was so sweet to think of me and send these! Her mother had given these to her, and she thought I might like them. Also a very sweet note attached with it, that made me want to go to Sweden even more. Thank you so much Sofia!! I can already imagine fabrics I could use on some of these :)
We recently booked tickets to London to visit Nicole, and it wasn't until then that I realized that my passport had expired :( Last time I renewed my passport was in the U.S. embassy in Paris. That passport has a lot of good memories and cool stickers in it from when we lived in France. I hated the picture in it, but the rest of it was really neat. The old one didn't come in this envelope and I'm panicking a little bit. I read that they sometimes mail it in the same envelope and sometimes it comes separately. I sure hope it is on its way, or I will be very sad.
We are super excited to visit Nicole. Although I Skype with her a lot, it still isn't the same, and we look forward to spending some time with her and giving her a big old fat hug!!!
Caitlin and Cyrous are leaving on the 17th of this month to visit her, and I'm sure they are going to have tons of fun.

It is quite a toasty day here today, and I hear that it will be in the 100's tomorrow! Fortunately it will start to cool back down though starting Sunday. Today I'm hibernating in my AC and doing a bit of sewing on a top for myself. The Liberty skirt is all cut out and ready to sew also. My back room gets quite warm in the summer, and I can only stay in there so long. I'm heading in there right now to see if I can get the top finished today, wish me luck!

Happy weekend!


  1. We have had to renew all of our passports in the past year or so... and I am happy to tell you that we received ALL of our old passports back in SEPARATE envelopes. They we precious to us with their proof of our wonderful travels. I am glad they sent them back to us.

    It was lovely of your Swedish friend to send you that gift. I love the vintage goodness that it is!

    Sounds like London will be a blast ... any chance Liberty of London is on the itinerary??? No need to answer that, Elizabeth. I am sure you are going. What about LOOP? i wouldn't mind going in there as well. I am begging you to please restrain yourself on posting about all the awesome restaurants - I don't think I can take it. I love London.
    Ah...The life!

  2. @Carolina, Oh yes, Liberty is on the list for sure! :) I don't know what Loop is, but I'll look that up. Can't promise on the restaurant postings ;)

  3. You'll have a fab time in London (I was there yesterday, just for the day). There's so much to see and do and I'm sure it will be so good to spend time with your girl. You must be missing her.
