May 1, 2013

Work in Progress

 Wow, is April finally over?  A lot of sadness and beauty all at once in this past month. I feel like now that it I have turned the calendar to May, I can take a big breath and move forward.  
I'm currently working on the sweetest dress..............
 It is a size 6. I had this cotton trim for a while, and when I pulled it out to match it to this fabric, I noticed that the petals on the trim flowers look like the ones in the fabric! I love when this happens.  I will be running some ribbon through the eyelets, and adding some buttons to the front.
Come back soon for the finished product :)

This weekend will be spent in Napa for a charity event my husband is participating in, it should be a lovely weekend since the weather is going to be summer time hot!


  1. Very pretty! We are, at last, having nice weather. Of course that will change tomorrow with rain and dropping temperatures. Enjoy Napa!


  2. ahhhh lilacs....our shrubs are at the little green bud stage...lots of heat this week should hurry things along. have a great weekend!

  3. hope there was no sadness in your life and that you're referencing public events. love that fabric (surprise, surprise) - enjoy your weekend!

  4. @ Cindy, I was referring to the public events. It seems like ever April we all have to brace ourselves because nut jobs seem to come out and do horrible things in this month.
    We are all well thank goodness :)!
